Or perhaps it’s their way of selling iPads. According to MacStories, ClickToPlugin follows the same line as a number of hacks and tweaks that have done a similar thing in the past, and selects the video in HTML5 before streaming it across your local network, and right onto your big screen TV thanks to an Apple TV. ClickToPlugin is a lightweight and highly customizable extension that prevents Safari from launching plug-ins automatically, resulting in faster browsing, reduced fan usage, and increased battery. There are some other programs that do it but they charge for it and it isn't as easy as clicktoplugin. You can download ClickToPlugin right here, which will certainly do the job for now, but here’s hoping Apple gets around to making these kinds of hacks and tweaks a thing of the past. Without flash, clicktoplugin doesn't work. Perhaps, as is always the case with these things, innovation is being stymied by a fear of piracy on the part of the video and other content producers. Many expected Apple to add some kind of AirPlay functionality to OS X Lion, and therefore Safari, but neither have happened as yet.

#Clicktoplugin software
Unlike the software developed for Windows system, most of the applications installed in Mac OS.
#Clicktoplugin how to
The default hostname worked for me and found my Apple TV (connected with WiFi first, then via Ethernet to my AirPort Extreme). How to Uninstall ClickToPlugin Application/Software on Your Mac. If you already have Flash installed system-wide and want to remove it, follow the steps found at. ClickToPlugin 2.9.6 Free ClickToPlugin prevents Safari from launching plug-ins Updated: July 18th 2014.

The Apple TV’s hostname or IP address needs to be specified in ClickToPlugin’s settings, but it’s set by default to apple-tv.local, which is what Apple gives you with an Apple TV out of the box. The way it works is that it replaces any plug-in object with an unobtrusive placeholder that can be clicked on to load the embedded content of the plug-in. …extension adds a new “AirPlay” option in the HTML5 media player (the one you get if you, say, decide to replace Flash content on YouTube with HTML5 video), enabling you to send video to an Apple TV on your network. ClicktoPlugin prevents Safari from automatically loading plugs-ins, which speeds up browsing, reduces fan speed, extends battery life, and improves performance of audio and video streaming. According to MacStories, ClickToPlugin follows the same line as a number of hacks and tweaks that have done a similar thing in the past, and selects the video in HTML5 before streaming it across your local network, and right onto your big screen TV thanks to an Apple TV.